pry bar in a sentence
- A " wonderbar " type of pry bar just happens to fit.
- Gently bend these back and pull the nails with a pry bar.
- Put a pry bar under the door and pry carefully and slowly.
- Amateurs and professionals alike use them as pry bars, chisels, punches and scrapers.
- Never use a screwdriver as a chisel, pry bar, punch or a scraper.
- You get more leverage with a pinch bar or pry bar.
- Wonder Bar flat pry bar from Stanley ( $ 8 ).
- Try to dislodge rocks with a pry bar and a pick.
- Hardness these days is done with a five-gallon bucket and a pry bar.
- "Each workman carried a lining bar, a straight pry bar with a sharp end.
- It's difficult to see pry bar in a sentence .
- Insert a pry bar under the sash, between sash and sill, and pry up.
- Down off the roof to search for the pry bar.
- Others must be unscrewed by using pry bar for leverage.
- NOTE : Drawing captioned " BLOCK AND PRY BAR " goes with this column.
- Place a wood block wrapped in cloth under the pry bar for additional leverage.
- Then with a pry bar, worry the two pieces out, prying carefully but steadily.
- For example, using a screwdriver as a pry bar.
- Then, using a flat pry bar, carefully pull the damaged board away from the eaves.
- Start by removing old nails with a flat pry bar and pulling out the bad shingle.
- "He's the abalone that you need a pry bar to get off the back rail ."
How can I put and write and define pry bar in a sentence and how is the word pry bar used in a sentence and examples? pry bar造句, pry bar造句, 用pry bar造句, pry bar meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by